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  • I Love ... Garlands!

    I've always loved garlands of all kinds.  But especially handmade paper garlands, fashioned with butterflies, birds, and other whimsical shapes.  And my favorites are made from recycled book pages and other "found" materials.  Or tissue paper, or fabric scraps, or felt.  I love the paper creations of Mollie Greene, an artist in South Carolina who has an Etsy shop called "royalbuffet."  In addition to garlands, she makes mobiles and paper sculptures or ornaments.  Here are some of her "lovely things:"


                                     the "Butterfly Gladness Garland"

           the "Drole d'Oiseau Garland" (made from vintage French magazines)

    Aren't they charming?  I have the Butterfly Gladness Garland in my home and it has made me happy for going on 4 years now.  Anyway, if you'd like to take a peek at Mollie's shop, here's the link:

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